Turn professional to convince others

Each of us has a unique tricks to convince others of what wants to get it, Some of us turn to the temptation style or solicitation and others are used to intimidate the old and traditional methods of intimidation. But the good news is that you no longer need to resort to inappropriate ways to achieve this goal. This "Michael Lee," author of the book "How to contest the art of persuasion in 20 days or less," confirms that the power of persuasion depends on making people doing what you want them to perform all welcome and largeness and conviction and without qualms to ensure achievement of the tasks entrusted to them to the fullest in the time of schedule. Follow these secrets of persuasion attained what you want:
1. Start the completion of the task: to ensure that, in turn, convinced others in accomplishing tasks, you never completed and then confide in them to complete it. If you want to help your child in the car cleaning, fennel on your forearms and start cleaning and then ask him to complete after you.
2. Use the word "Imagine": when you want to convince someone to perform a task, make him imagine how it would be like if they agreed to accomplish this task and the extent of the suffering that would be incurred if he refused to do. For example: Say to him: "I know that the time is long overdue, and you can imagine how you tomorrow, I will be comfortable and happy if we finished this task tonight.
3. hairy bitter loss: Human tends to be convinced to do something if I explained to him the size of the loss if they refrained from doing rather than to explain to him the benefits due to him to do. If you want to convince your friend to go with you on a trip for a walk on the beach at night, tell him: "Sifutk wonderful view of the sunset if you insist on not to accompany me to the beach."
4. Be proactive in the tender: people tend to answer the bid, generosity and give back to his family, always start with due to good behavior that appeal to others and respond to you, they're like the best. Hasten to provide a helping hand to others to force them to return the favor when you need help.
5. ask for more than they really need: some people feel guilty if they asked them a favor and refused to do, and they feel a desire to accept doing anything else as long as the request is followed in their ability to accomplish. The child from his father may be asked to accompany him to the cinema, if the father refused his request, asked the son to go for walks in the park, so the parent can not demand that the second son refuses and receives son what he wanted in the first place.
6. Draw a smile on his face: Keep your sense of humor with others in order to live up Mchaaram and open channels of communication and understanding between you and facilitate their understanding of ideas and this will be talking with them more convincing.
7. Replace the "I" to "we": talking to them conscientiously combination instead of the singular, and will be more persuasive and oblige others to your participation in the task that you talk with them about it. For example, say: "We have to follow the instructions for each of us gets a good report last month."
8. recalled previous accomplishments relevant: one of the best methods of persuasion that emphasizes the importance and relevance of person to stay on pace continues in the previous successful actions. Persuaded your employee to perform the current job if she tells him: "We have succeeded in completing such a mission before, and I'm sure you accomplished this time better than a much earlier time."
9. Choose the right time: Sometimes you may Ervdaalochrin request not because it is difficult for them to accomplish, but because you made a mistake choosing the right time for submission. Select the best times to ask them what you want; for example: after the show thanks to another and receive reply to thank him. You can, for example, that says: "Thank you for inviting me to attend a wonderful Hfalak." After that you receive from the other in response to this Thanksgiving Tell him: "It's a pleasure. In fact, to be friends, and I hope that Provides known to what
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