The art of time management

Time is a neglected treasure wealth lost ... Most people are unaware of the importance of time and writing this creative way to invest the time in the best possible image ....
There is nothing that can be insured for the Day of Resurrection regret it, but the moment passed him in the world did not say where God! There is no moment to pass on the insured happier than pursuant to achieve the satisfaction of Almighty God, and feel with the consent of the great god .. Time is a major blessing from God by us, but most people are unaware of the grace of the time.
Some Western scholars have repeatedly issuing books on time management, achieved these books high sales rate in the world, including confirms people's attention to this important aspect and their eagerness to learn new in the art of taking the time and investing in the best possible image, and to achieve their interests and goals and as a result to reach happiness everyone is looking for.

But if we look at these books, we find it is focused on one goal is to lower and adornments, measure for the success they have is what is achieved by one of material gain or fame or authority, but ignore the simple idea of the fate that awaits each and every one of us after death, and this idea was the first step made me head toward research and writing, reflection and contemplation.
I had a lot of ideas, theories and perceptions about the universe, time and nature, and you aspire to invent a new theory in physics or medicine, language, and began depth journey in this science I served years out day and night in order to know "everything" but life is short, and whatever I lived not get the science, but a drop of ocean!

And I started thinking about a way to make me get a larger amount of science within the shortest period of time, and after thinking long and research and found that the only book that contains all of the world science is the Quran! Indeed, I learned physics from the Koran and learned mathematics from the Koran and learned medicine from the Koran, it is true that I did not become a doctor or a physicist, but happiness obtained as a result of my interest in the largest Koran that describes words, it is a sense of wondrous can not be expressed in only one word starts subconsciously are: (thank god).
Without the mercy of Allah and His guidance and grace did not get to this happiness, joy is something very complex and not easy to reach the summit of happiness, with the researchers, thinkers and philosophers have written a lot about this subject, but I find that a single verse from the Koran can give you the real way to happiness. Every verse from the book of God Almighty, but contain a program can be a radical change in your life happens, and my experience with this Quran for more than twenty years.
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