Monday, December 8, 2014

Money, fame, luxury, then from here please ,....

 Posted on the "Business Insider" proposed steps a person can work on them until the report revealed a millionaire, which is more rewarding than quick and easy ways.

The definition of success varies from person to person, some believe that success in the accumulation of money, despite the fact that money is not everything, but a lot of people want to be wealthy.

But what things should a person do in order to increase his chances of joining the class of millionaires

8 steps for those who want to become a millionaire
Stop fear about money
 The focus on the funds that were collected distract from doing the things that really contribute to the construction and development of wealth.
Track the number of individuals who helps them, even though this simple way
- The most successful individuals seeking to help others to achieve their goals because they know that the success of others hurt in the end in their favor.
Stop thinking about the collection of million dollars, and start thinking in dealing million people
When a person has a small number of customers, it is interested in finding a way to take all those customers spend, while if it has a large number of customers, the benefit is greater.
To look at the collection of money as a way to earn more things
- Some people make money for another goal, such as improving the product or create a company or other, and the most successful companies evolve and succeed because they collect money and reinvest for the pursuit of excellence.
Do one thing better
-  choose one thing is characterized by the others, Valenajehon financially are doing one thing well is better than the simple things all around them.
Prepared a list of top ten people in the world in its
-  prepare a list identifies a set of criteria, and a person can be used to improve what he is doing to become better.
Track the progress made by the constantly
- In order to achieve the target, you must follow the progress that has been made at least once each week for the key metrics.
Procedures are in place that will ensure progress
- Must set goals, and then establish procedures that support access to those goals, and then track the progress made.

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