Friday, December 19, 2014

17 important tips tat you may need in your daily life

I Offer you this unique collection of  some important tips, instructions and informations wich are useful for all of us in our daily lives

To get rid of ants Place peel of cucumber in the place where the ants come out of it

For pure ice cubes Boil the water first

To make  mirrors shine, wash them with sperto

To remove chewing gum from your cloths, put the clothes in the freezer fridge for an hour

To give hair shine, add a teaspoon of vinegar to hair and then rinse well

To make the lemon gives the largest amount of juice, put it on hot water for an hour before making the juice

To remove the smell of cabbage while cooking, place a piece of bread on top of the cabbage in the pot

To remove the smell of fish from your hands, wash your hands with a little apple cider vinegar

To prevent tears when peeling onions, chew gum

To make sure of the validity of the mushrooms, sprinkle a little salt on the mushrooms, if his  turning to black color  it's good, but if it  turned the color to yellow, it's poisson

To cook potatoes quickly, peel the potato from one side just before boiling

To cook the eggs quickly, add a little salt to the water

To melt the frozen chicken, put it in cold water plus two tablespoons of salt

To know the fresh fish, put it in cold water, and if it surfaced fresh

To remove ink from cloths, place the amount of toothpaste on the ink spot, and allow it to dry completely, then wash as usual

To get rid of rats, black pepper spray in the likely places where the presence of rats, mice then find out quickly fleeing
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪mosquitoes‬‏
To ward off mosquitoes, especially at night, place fresh mint leaves close to the pad and across the room.

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